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Welcome to my Daily Bible Readings for the Book of Exodus. So glad you could join me here. I will be reading the Bible to you starting from Genesis going all the way to Revelation. I am reading from the Scriptures ISR (International Scriptural Research.) It’s the best Translation I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It keeps all the original Hebrew names and terms for God Yahweh and Adonai Yahshua HaMashiach intact, fixes ALL errors in Translation AND it takes out any and all words that were added to the Bible later. The ISR can be found and read for FREE on My hope is that you will gain a greater understanding of God and His Word, and that you will have fun.

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 1 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 2 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 3 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 4 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 5 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 6 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 7 - The Scriptures ISR

Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 8 - The Scriptures ISR

Exodus: Articles & Resources
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